Eco Friendly Smart Home Ideas

Everyone loves smart technology in the home. New products are arriving seemingly daily that are designed to improve your life. Adding some of the latest technologies to your home can bring it into the future. Make your home a smart home by considering some of the following ecofriendly ideas.

We will examine some of the latest products that will add both functionality and sustainability. Products designed to be both smart, eco friendly and help make your home more intelligent.

First let us define what we mean by an eco-friendly home. The definition can be both simple and at the same time complex. By making your home more environmentally friendly, you are upgrading it in some notable ways.

To begin, your home will have less impact on the planet and eco-system than before. By using less resources and minimizing pollution the effects can lead to a dramatic improvement.

What comes with using less resources is saving money. You typically implement a significant cost savings when selecting smart home products. We examine several technologies that can provide savings for your electricity and water anywhere from 50 to 100%. This savings will have a compounding effect over time. Once you start and immerse yourself with these technologies you will be prepared to take advantage of future technologies that will supplement your existing smart products.

A green addition to your home that will provide long term benefits is a solar roof. A system that converts the sun energy to direct electricity to your home will have amazing value and savings for many years.

Sometimes the initial cost is a deterrent when considering implementing smart home technologies. Making your home more energy efficient and environmentally friendly comes with the sometimes realization that the technologies are not cheap to setup and install. It’s true that many of these upgrades will take a large up front investment, but the long term cost savings will outweigh the initial investment.

Let’s look at a wide range of products that are able to provide enhancements to the home. These upgrades will cover a range of eco friendly ideas and consider different budgets and installation costs. We looked for one prominent example from each smart home technology to discuss and evaluate.

When building a new home or renovating your existing home, there are plenty of opportunities and reasons to implement eco friendly technologies. The cost will be absorbed more readily and the implementation will be integrated more seamlessly.

For the years to come, you will not regret this extra attention to detail. Planning for this implementation in the early stages will pay dividends for many years to come. Savings can be huge across the utility board and lessening environmental impact is of course a bonus if not the primary goal. The future generations will appreciate that we considered there well being and impact that our decisions will have on the planet.

View our ideas for your home with an open mind and draw some inspiration for your own home projects.

Smart Strand Carpet

Many people will frown at the idea of carpet being an ecofriendly material to add to the home. Standard carpets that are common in most homes and offices are of course less than ideal for the environment and for that matter your personal health. Decades of traditional carpet has led to conclusions unfavorable to traditional carpet materials. Modern carpet technology has looked at making a product that does not succumb to the old drawbacks.

This is where smart strand carpet comes into play. It is a novel approach to the carpet industry that has been hindered by unsafe products. Using corn as the primary component and processes extracted sugars into the resulting fabric. The strands are spun into the smartstrand fiber and tufted into a unique carpet material. The result is very robust and can withstand years of use in high traffic areas. Since it is completely natural, it is safe for your family, children and pets. The tactile feel of the carpet is soft and agreeable and can offer protection from staining. Don’t hesitate to add one of these novel carpet materials to your home.

Cork Flooring

When it comes to green materials for you home, it is difficult to beat cork. This material can be used successfully as a flooring material. It is natural and can be replenished easily. The end product ready for installation is lightweight and very versatile. Cork is considered to be sufficiently robust for flooring and offers a cushioning that is pleasant for walking on. It is both safe and comfortable and will bring out the best of any room. Minor damage from use or furniture can be repaired easily and in most cases will age well. It has an inherently natural regenerative quality that allows it to bounce back from the daily life routine. Since it’s an anti-microbial material, it will resist molds and mildews that might impact other materials. Being both environmentally friendly and safe for humans, there is no better choice as for a top flooring material.

Dual Flush Toilets

Toilets are notorious for using for water than any other element of the home. Older toilets are especially troublesome and may account for up to 25% of your water usage. Adding a newer model of toilet will result in immediate water savings for your family. On top of this recommendation, modern toilets typically have dual flush capability. This can be implementing trouble free without adjusting your existing plumbing. The dual flush toilet will have one option for liquid waste and one button for solid waste. This will result is using less water for liquid flushes when less water is needed. Conservation is a key aspect of this concept and the mechanism is will increase efficiency. It is also possible to upgrade your existing toilet with a kit that can be installed and allow you to experience the benefits with less cost.

Eco Friendly Paint

Paint is without doubt and time tested favorite way to make a change to a living space with minimal cost. The type of paint you choose is an important factor. Paint quality is important but so is consideration for environmental impact. It is possible to buy paint that will lessen harm to the planet and our health. When a fresh can of paint is opened for the first time, a myriad of chemicals escape into the atmosphere that produce greenhouse gases and other harmful chemicals. The familiar smell is very harmful to our health, lungs, and the breathing lungs of the earth. When purchasing eco friendly paints you will notice the relative absence of this smell as these paints don’t contain the volatile organic compounds that emit into the air. Look for pigments that are environmentally safe and choose paints free of toxic components.

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